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CLV wind power technology has solved the problem of power consumption in remote areas


Electricity has been a challenge in remote areas where the grid is out of reach and diesel generators are expensive. Although solar power has solved some problems, some mountain areas still need more convenient and sustainable electricity. As a kind of natural energy, if the wind can be used effectively, it can be called inexhaustible.

Permanent magnet brushless DC motor is becoming an important electromechanical conversion equipment in wind power generation because of its advantages of simple speed regulation and high efficiency. However, brushless DC motors often use Hall sensors to provide critical rotor position information, which increases costs and reduces motor operation reliability; The current sensorless driving technology is affected by commutation error without exception. Commutation error will increase motor loss, reduce the operating efficiency of the system, and even make the motor run out of step in serious cases.

The wind driven generator controller produced by CLV Drives, takes permanent magnet brushless DC motor as the main control object, after analyzing the cause of generator commutation error when wind speed changes, developed a high-performance control algorithm for brushless DC generator, which can capture commutation interval, compensate error time, adjust signal delay angle in time, and achieve the purpose of automatic correction of position signal phase. After the optimization of the control algorithm, the CLV wind driven generator controller can make the generator commutate at the ideal commutation point, which can greatly improve the performance of it.

In addition to the control algorithm, which is our original creation and one of the world leading technology, CLV wind driven generator controller also has the following characteristics:

Compatible off-grid and grid-connected, convenient network;

Distributed unit, which contributes to small volume, low cost, and easy maintenance;

Adaptability to high altitude application.

The 10KW CLV wind driven generator controller, combined with a windmill of exquisite size, can provide sufficient power to a pastoral site in just a few units with high efficiency and low cost, perfect for Tibetan people who are accustomed to diaspora and grazing. “We are very satisfied with the electricity,” said an official of Norda Power, “Herders now have direct access to electricity.”

We are also encouraged by the successful application of wind driven generator controllers and we look forward to serving more people and applications in the future.